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American Government

Useful but not limited to students in the class. It is encouraged of every American to become savvy with their own government as we are the ones who form it.

The College offers an elective for many grids of an "American Government" class.  However, as librarians, we encourage all students to check this guide out to become more aware of the political process as those who vote help make the rules of these United States.  It is incumbent upon all Americans to become literate with the way our government works. 

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Constitutional Amendments Resources

Below are some introductory resources about the Amendments to the U.S. Constitution.

If you need information about a specific amendment, you can use the blue Gateway Search box. Please use the following as your search terms (typed in the quotations and including the plus sign): "# Amendment" + "U.S. Constitution." Click the check mark next to "Full Text" to ensure you will be able to read the results of your search.

If you're not getting relevant search results by typing in "14th Amendment" try typing the number as a word: "Fourteenth Amendment."