
Index, abstracts, and full text for articles and other publications in sociology.

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provides full text of journal articles, and indexing and informative abstracts for "core" coverage journals dating back to 1895, plus "priority" coverage journals and "selective" coverage journals. Extensive indexing for books, monographs, conference papers, and other sources is included. SocINDEX with Full Text features subject headings from a sociological thesaurus designed by subject experts and expert lexicographers. Searchable cited references are also provided.

SocINDEX covers all subdisciplines of sociology, including abortion, criminology & criminal justice, demography, ethnic & racial studies, gender studies, marriage & family, political sociology, religion, rural & urban sociology, social development, social psychology, social structure, social work, socio-cultural anthropology, sociological history, sociological research, sociological theory, substance abuse & other addictions, violence and many others.