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Getting Ready for Research

This guide provides an overview of basic research techniques and resources.

Time Management

One of the most difficult things for students who are new to research is to effectively manage their time. Often, students set aside the same amount of time to complete their schoolwork each week regardless of how complex the assignments are. This habit can lead to some stressful situations.

Developing and using good time management skills can help students avoid feeling overwhelmed. Below is one simple strategy that may help you manage your time more effectively.

Time Management Process

The Time Management Process:

  1. Identify the tasks involved. 
    • Prioritize the tasks as they are identified. 
    • Use a prioritization system such as the Eisenhower Matrix
  2. Estimate the time needed to complete each task.
  3. Schedule externally controlled activities such as class, work, or family obligations. 
  4. Schedule internally controlled activities such as meals, breaks, sleep, etc. 
  5. Put everything together in a visual schedule. Create a checklist and print a schedule or use a time management app.