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Diversity, Inclusion and Equity

This guide serves as a general informational guide on the topic. Other guides will be about diversity, equity and inclusion for various racial groups, disabilities, and religious denominations.


The basis for society: the family.  They either have very different compositions which makes it hard for the unit to be included and receive equity in society or have a member within the family that exhibits some difference that makes them hard to be included or be treated with love and respect within the unit. This page gives some basic introduction to the issues internally and externally affecting the family unit.  For further resources, consult the demographic specific guides applicable to your area of interest.

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Talk given by Jersey Glover for TEDxYouth@Columbus posted on the TEDxTalks channel on April 9, 2019.

YouTube description: "In this TED Talk, Jersey describes how the diversity of her family reflects the diversity of America. Elementary student residing in Columbus, Ohio attending Columbus City Schools. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at'

TED talk given by Diana Adams posted on TED's YouTube channel on March 25, 2022.

YouTube description: "The nuclear family model may no longer be the norm in the US, but it's still the basis for social and economic benefits like health care, tax breaks and citizenship. Lawyer and LBGTQIA advocate Diana Adams believes that all families, regardless of biological relationship or legal marriage, are deserving of equal legal rights and recognition. They present a vision for how US laws can benefit all families -- from same-sex bonds to multi-parent partnerships -- and explain how a more inclusive definition of family could strengthen your relationships and community."

YouTube video posted on the Strong Medicine Channel on October 23, 2017.

From the YouTube description: An overview of sex, gender, and sexual orientation. Covered terminology and concepts include gender identity vs. gender expression; intersex, transgender, non-binary, and genderfluid individuals; straight vs. gay/lesbian vs. bisexual vs. pansexual vs. asexual; and the differences between sexual attraction, sexual behavior, romantic attraction, and sexual identity.