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This guide is meant to expose students to different religions and the issues with equity, diversity, and inclusion needed for each to feel welcome.

Online Resources and Periodicals


Produced by PBS, copyright 2012. 

The Amish intercuts historical analysis with contemporary footage to provide an unprecedented look at this highly private, little understood, and utterly unique community whose beliefs raise important questions about religious liberty in American life. 

Video produced by BBC Worldwide Learning, copyright 1995. 

This unique and touching program opens the doors of America’s last Shaker compound, where the religious sect’s nine surviving members lead lives of equality, fraternity, decency, and—most notably—simplicity. That simplicity is reflected in Shaker furniture and basketry—items which now sell for thousands of dollars at auctions throughout the world. At one antique auction, hucksters peddle Shaker furniture to the rich and famous, as the Shakers ponder their legacy. Will they be remembered as austere people—pious and charitable and filled with wisdom—or simply as the makers of priceless ornaments? A BBC Production.

YouTube video posted by the Amish America channel on August 13, 2022. 

YouTube video posted on Peter Santenello channel on August 29, 2021. 

"Meet the Mennonites: Inside the Ultra-Conservative Community |ENDEVR Documentary" Posted on the ENDEVR YouTube Channel on October 27, 2021. 

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